Source code for RsOsp.Implementations.Trigger_.Sequence_.Define_.Entry

from .....Internal.Core import Core
from .....Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from .....Internal import Conversions
from .....Internal.Types import DataType
from .....Internal.Utilities import trim_str_response
from .....Internal.ArgSingleList import ArgSingleList
from .....Internal.ArgSingle import ArgSingle

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class Entry: """Entry commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._base = CommandsGroup("entry", core, parent)
[docs] def set(self, index: int, path_name: str) -> None: """SCPI: TRIGger:SEQuence:DEFine[:ENTRy] \n Snippet: driver.trigger.sequence.define.entry.set(index = 1, path_name = '1') \n Sets or queries the path, which is defined for the selected number in the sequence. \n :param index: Selects a number in the trigger sequence. :param path_name: Specifies the path name to be set for the selected number in the trigger sequence. Write the path name in quotation marks. """ param = ArgSingleList().compose_cmd_string(ArgSingle('index', index, DataType.Integer), ArgSingle('path_name', path_name, DataType.String))'TRIGger:SEQuence:DEFine:ENTRy {param}'.rstrip())
[docs] def get(self, index: int) -> str: """SCPI: TRIGger:SEQuence:DEFine[:ENTRy] \n Snippet: value: str = driver.trigger.sequence.define.entry.get(index = 1) \n Sets or queries the path, which is defined for the selected number in the sequence. \n :param index: Selects a number in the trigger sequence. :return: path_name: No help available""" param = Conversions.decimal_value_to_str(index) response ='TRIGger:SEQuence:DEFine:ENTRy? {param}') return trim_str_response(response)